• Governance of Natural Resources for the Common Good

Governance of Natural Resources for the Common Good

Nature and society are interconnected. Cluster 2 recognizes the profoundly social and political nature of access to, use of, and management of natural resources. With a focus on the Global South, researchers analyze resource conflicts and the social and environmental impacts of institutions and policies that regulate the use of natural resources in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems at multiple levels of governance. Normatively oriented toward (environmental) justice, human rights, and environmental sustainability, research activities combine institutionalist approaches and those that focus on power issues (e.g., political ecology, environmental justice, and critical institutionalism). Institutionalist-oriented research in the cluster examines conditions for coordination and cooperation with respect to sustainable resource use and the simultaneous implementation of related sustainable development goals (SDGs). Political ecology research addresses how natural resources and ecosystems are represented in institutions and how stakeholders, their perspectives, forms of knowledge, and ontologies enter or are influenced by the policy process. The cluster provides evidence-based recommendations for inclusive and sustainable, public good-oriented use of natural resources and the environment.



