• Social policy, poverty and inequality

Social Policy, Poverty, Inequality

The cluster examines the role of social policy for: (i) reducing the different dimensions of poverty and inequality, (ii) increasing the willingness of citizens to invest (and thereby boosting economic growth among poorer social groups), and (iii) promoting social cohesion and stability. Our research, in particular, investigates which social policy is more effective to reach these objectives, how it should be designed and how these policies should be integrated in a systemic way in different contexts.

In order to answer these questions, the research group mainly focuses on social insurance and transfer systems as well as traditional and informal forms of social protection and mechanisms for supporting smallholders and workers. In particular, we are examining the trade-offs and synergies that could arise between these social polices of interest and economic ones, and between these different instruments of social policy. In order to adequately assess the effects of social policy on poverty and inequality, an important part of the research of the cluster consists in developing and testing new measures multidimensional poverty and inequality.



