Articles and other Publications

Researchers of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research findings regularly in relevant German and international journals. Besides, the IDOS experts release their findings with other well-known external publishers such as Springer and Routlegde.

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Found 6206 results in 5 milliseconds. Displaying results 2131 to 2140 of 6206.

  1. Aligning transnational climate action with international climate governance: the road from Paris
    Aligning transnational climate action with international climate governance: the road from Paris

    Chan, Sander / Clara Brandi / Steffen Bauer (2016)

  2. The G20 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): reflections on future roles and tasks
    The G20 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): reflections on future roles and tasks

    Kloke-Lesch, Adolf (2016)

  3. Transforming for survival: Europe in the face of change
    Transforming for survival: Europe in the face of change

    Henökl, Thomas (2016)

  4. EU nach Brexit-Votum: global engagiert oder letztes Gefecht?
    EU nach Brexit-Votum: global engagiert oder letztes Gefecht?

    Henökl, Thomas (2016)

  5. Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlement

    Figueroa, Aurelia (2016)

  6. Building Europe‘s (energy) future: a manifesto for a European community for energy transition
    Building Europe‘s (energy) future: a manifesto for a European community for energy transition

    Hanusch, Frederic / Maximilian Müngersdorff / Miriam Schad / Lea Schmitt / Sophia Schönborn / Marcel Siepmann / Edgar Voß (2016)

  7. Exploring scenarios for the future of ACP-EU cooperation: an analytical tool for informed choices
    Exploring scenarios for the future of ACP-EU cooperation: an analytical tool for informed choices

    Bossuyt, Jean / Niels Keijzer / Geert Laporte / Alfonso Medinilla / Marc De Tollenaere (2016)

  8. Sustaining the development effectiveness agenda: the global partnership for effective development cooperation
    Sustaining the development effectiveness agenda: the global partnership for effective development cooperation

    Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2016)

  9. Pledge for transformative cities gives a new impetus to Habitat III
    Pledge for transformative cities gives a new impetus to Habitat III

    Dick, Eva / Maria-Theres Haase (2016)

  10. Stellungnahme zum Thema „Forschung und Innovation in Deutschland: Stand und Perspektiven – einschließlich Zwischenbilanz der Hightech-Strategie“
    Stellungnahme zum Thema „Forschung und Innovation in Deutschland: Stand und Perspektiven – einschließlich Zwischenbilanz der Hightech-Strategie“

    Messner, Dirk unter Mitarbeit von Anna Schwachula (2016)