Articles and other Publications

Researchers of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research findings regularly in relevant German and international journals. Besides, the IDOS experts release their findings with other well-known external publishers such as Springer and Routlegde.

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Found 6206 results in 6 milliseconds. Displaying results 3271 to 3280 of 6206.

  1. Governance of flood risk management in a time of climate change: the cases of Jakarta and Rotterdam
    Governance of flood risk management in a time of climate change: the cases of Jakarta and Rotterdam

    Ward, Philip / Pieter Pauw / Arwin van Buuren / Muh aris Marfai (2012)

  2. Football and politics in Africa: a comment on the rebel attack on the Togolese National Team during Angola 2010 and its aftermath

    Akude, John Emeka (2012)

  3. Zur Vereinbarkeit von Islam und Demokratie: ein demokratietheoretischer Kommentar
    Zur Vereinbarkeit von Islam und Demokratie: ein demokratietheoretischer Kommentar

    Leininger, Julia (2012)

  4. Welche Zukunft wollen wir? Die Rio+20-Konferenz soll die UN-Nachhaltigkeits-Architektur reformieren
    Welche Zukunft wollen wir? Die Rio+20-Konferenz soll die UN-Nachhaltigkeits-Architektur reformieren

    Bauer, Steffen (2012)

  5. Lessons of the European crisis for regional monetary and financial integration in East Asia

    Volz, Ulrich (2012)

  6. Griechenlands Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem
    Griechenlands Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem

    Faust, Jörg / Ulrich Volz (2012)

  7. Greece: a crisis of governance
    Greece: a crisis of governance

    Faust, Jörg / Urlich Volz (2012)

  8. Die meisten bleiben ohne Schutz: Versicherungen erreichen in vielen Ländern nur die wohlhabenden Schichten
    Die meisten bleiben ohne Schutz: Versicherungen erreichen in vielen Ländern nur die wohlhabenden Schichten

    Loewe, Markus (2012)

  9. The State of global governance: achievements, challenges, and the way forward
    The State of global governance: achievements, challenges, and the way forward

    Brandi, Clara (2012)

    In today’s world, there are numerous notable achievements in global governance - but crucial challenges remain . This essay presents proposals to tackle climate change, the global disease burden and improved citizen’s representation beyond borders.

  10. Water, crisis and climate change assessment framework (WACCAF)
    Water, crisis and climate change assessment framework (WACCAF)

    Ruettinger, Lukas / Antoine Morin / Annabelle Houdret / Dennis Taenzler / Clementine Burnley (2012)