Articles and other Publications

Researchers of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research findings regularly in relevant German and international journals. Besides, the IDOS experts release their findings with other well-known external publishers such as Springer and Routlegde.

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Found 6206 results in 4 milliseconds. Displaying results 51 to 60 of 6206.

  1. Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement: potential gains
    Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement: potential gains

    Balistreri, Edward J. / Zoryana Olekseyuk (2024)

  2. The transition of Ghana's cooling appliance sector to a circular economy via a small wins governance framework
    The transition of Ghana's cooling appliance sector to a circular economy via a small wins governance framework

    Kuhn, Sascha / Richard Opoku / Desmond Diali Diaba / Kofi A. Agyarko / Babette Never (2024)

  3. The Russia-Ukraine war’s shockwaves in Africa: a Zeitenwende for German Africa policy?
    The Russia-Ukraine war’s shockwaves in Africa: a Zeitenwende for German Africa policy?

    Hackenesch, Christine / Wolfram Lacher (eds.) (2024)

    Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, this Working Paper examines repercussions in Africa and on German Africa policy, analysing to what extent they are in continuity with trends that preceded the war and to what extent they represent a break with past patterns. Has the Ukraine war turned out to be a sea change for Africa and German Africa policy, too?

  4. German development policy in Africa: continuities and ruptures after the Russian aggression against Ukraine
    German development policy in Africa: continuities and ruptures after the Russian aggression against Ukraine

    Klingebiel, Stephan (2024)

  5. Wie die Entwicklungsfinanzierung reformiert werden kann
    Wie die Entwicklungsfinanzierung reformiert werden kann

    Berensmann, Kathrin / Yabibal M. Walle / Christoph Sommer / Sabine Laudage Teles (2024)

    Die Covid-19-Pandemie, geopolitische Spannungen und gewaltsame Konflikte sowie Klima- und Schuldenkrisen haben das makroökonomische Umfeld verändert. In dieser neuen Realität steigender Zinssätze, hoher Inflation und zunehmender Verschuldung nimmt die Verfügbarkeit von Entwicklungsfinanzierung ab, während der Finanzierungsbedarf zur Erreichung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung steigt. Politische Entscheidungsträger und internationale Finanzinstitutionen haben auf der Suche nach Lösungen eine Reihe von Initiativen gestartet. Darauf aufbauend werden in diesem Artikel (weitere) Maßnahmen und Reformen skizziert, um die Entwicklungsfinanzierung an dieses schwierige, von zahlreichen Krisen geprägte Umfeld anzupassen.

  6. Reforming development finance
    Reforming development finance

    Berensmann, Kathrin / Yabibal M. Walle / Christoph Sommer / Sabine Laudage Teles (2024)

    The Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and violent conflicts as well as climate and debt crises have changed the macroeconomic environment. In this new reality of soaring interest rates, high inflation and increasing debt levels, the availability of development finance is decreasing, while the financing needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals are increasing. Policymakers and international financial institutions have launched a number of initiatives in a search of solutions. Building on those, this article outlines (further) measures and reforms to make development finance fit for this challenging environment shaped by multiple crises.

  7. Urban refugees and digital technology
    Urban refugees and digital technology

    Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)

  8. Great expectations, new ideas, and many unanswered questions: on the conclusion of Joint Futures
    Great expectations, new ideas, and many unanswered questions: on the conclusion of Joint Futures

    Erforth, Benedikt / Wolfram Lacher (2024)

  9. Große Erwartungen, Impulse, und viele offene Fragen: zum Abschluss von Joint Futures
    Große Erwartungen, Impulse, und viele offene Fragen: zum Abschluss von Joint Futures

    Erforth, Benedikt / Wolfram Lacher (2024)

    Auf Joint Futures haben deutsche, europäische und afrikanische Autor*innen eine Vielfalt von Themen behandelt, die für die deutsche Afrikapolitik von Relevanz sind. Haben wir damit die Arbeit an den neuen Leitlinien einfacher oder schwieriger gemacht? Hier ziehen wir eine Bilanz.

  10. COVID-19 and political trust in local governments: evidence from Nepal
    COVID-19 and political trust in local governments: evidence from Nepal

    Fiedler, Charlotte / Hugo Marcos-Marne / Karina Mross (2024)