
Researchers at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research results in prestigious external publishers such as Springer, Routledge, Nomos, Frank Cass & Co.

All German volumes up to 1993 (No. 106) were self-published by IDOS. They can (if not sold out) be ordered directly from the Institute (on account).

Please contact the publication department by e-mail or mail for further information.

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Found 670 results in 1 milliseconds. Displaying results 641 to 650 of 670.

  1. Users’ guide on measuring fragility
    Users’ guide on measuring fragility

    Fabra Mata, Javier / Sebastian Ziaja (2009)

  2. Umkehr zum Leben: nachhaltige Entwicklung im Zeichen des Klimawandels

    Scholz, Imme et al. (2009)

  3. Adaptation to climate change: analysing capacities in Africa
    Adaptation to climate change: analysing capacities in Africa

    Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe / Imme Scholz (eds.) (2013)

  4. Konstitution und Erosion einer Geldwirtschaft: Entwicklungsprobleme Indiens seit der Unabhängigkeit

    Schelkle, Waltraud (1992)

  5. Finanzsystemreformen: Konzept, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven am Beispiel Boliviens

    Hannig, Alfred (1998)

  6. Binnenwirtschaftliche Wirkungen der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik

    Ashoff, Guido / Dieter Weiss (1978)

  7. Effectiveness and reform of the United Nations development programme

    Klingebiel, Stephan (1999)

  8. Zukunftsfragen der Entwicklungspolitik

    Messner, Dirk / Imme Scholz (Hrsg.) (2005)

  9. Industriepolitik Portugals und Krisenindustrien in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft

    Ashoff, Guido et al. (1980)

  10. Política Industrial de Portugal e Indústrias em Crise da Comu­ni­dade Europeia: Estudo do Caso dos Têxteis

    Ashoff, Guido et al. (1980)