
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publishes four independent publication series. IDOS researchers publish their current research results in Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs and Studies. Visiting scholars and cooperation partners also have the opportunity to publish their research results in one of the IDOS series. Publications from the series Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper and Two-Pager / Zweiseiter, which will be discontinued in 2022, will continue to be available online. The fourth publication series is for opinion pieces: The Current Column regularly comments on the latest developments and issues in international development policy.

IDOS researchers also regularly publish their research results in peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed German and international journals and publication series of other research institutes and institutions as well as with renowned book publishers. In addition, they use blogs and online platforms of partner institutions to communicate the Institute's research and advisory activities to an interested public.

Cover: The Current Column
The Current Column
Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Found 9409 results in 7 milliseconds. Displaying results 971 to 980 of 9409.

  1. Klima der Ungerechtigkeit
    Klima der Ungerechtigkeit

    Bauer, Steffen (2021)

  2. The joint effects of financial development and the business environment on firm growth: evidence from Vietnam
    The joint effects of financial development and the business environment on firm growth: evidence from Vietnam

    Haschka, Rouven E. / Helmut Herwartz / Philipp Struthmann / Viet Tuan Tran / Yabibal M. Walle (2021)

  3. Das Potenzial globaler Klimafonds für Investitionen in soziale Sicherung
    Das Potenzial globaler Klimafonds für Investitionen in soziale Sicherung

    Aleksandrova, Mariya (2021)

    Die Relevanz sozialer Sicherungssysteme zur Anpassung vulnerabler Gruppen an den Klimawandel wird zunehmend erkannt, führt aber bisher nicht zu entsprechenden Investitionen. Diese A&S analysiert das Potenzial, soziale durch multilaterale Klimafonds wie z. B. den Grünen Klimafonds (GCF) zu stärken.

  4. Wetterindexversicherungen als Instrument der Förderung sozial-ökologischer Resilienz gegenüber dem Klimawandel
    Wetterindexversicherungen als Instrument der Förderung sozial-ökologischer Resilienz gegenüber dem Klimawandel

    Lu Yu / Mariya Aleksandrova (2021)

    Um ländliche Haushalte vor Klimarisiken zu schützen, werden konventionelle Risikomanagementstrategien durch marktbasierte Risikotransferinstrumente, wie z. B. Wetterindexversicherungen, ergänzt. Diese A&S analysiert den Kenntnisstand dazu und entwickelt entsprechende Politikempfehlungen.

  5. How the political participation of refugees is shaped on the local level: self-organisation and political opportunities in Cologne
    How the political participation of refugees is shaped on the local level: self-organisation and political opportunities in Cologne

    Jacobi, Milan (2021)
    Discussion Paper, 34/2021

    This paper discusses the meaning of self-organisations for refugees political participation in local contexts. It examines on the one hand the organisation's own resources, and on the other hand at the political opportunity structures provided by local contexts, using the case of Cologne, Germany.

  6. Digitalization and e-government in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogotá
    Digitalization and e-government in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogotá

    Martin-Shields, Charles / Sonia Camacho / Rodrigo Taborda / Constantin Ruhe (2022)

  7. The European Union as a security actor in the Sahel: policy entrapment in EU foreign policy
    The European Union as a security actor in the Sahel: policy entrapment in EU foreign policy

    Plank, Friedrich / Julian Bergmann (2022)

  8. Global challenges and development cooperation: how the relationship is changing
    Global challenges and development cooperation: how the relationship is changing

    Klingebiel, Stephan / Heiner Janus (2021)

  9. A critique on the increasing role of finance in social policy
    A critique on the increasing role of finance in social policy

    Balasubramanian, Pooja (2021)
    The Current Column, 15 December 2021

    One gap that is rarely discussed in research is the increasing penetration of finance within social policy that is further pushing individuals and households into a debt-poverty trap.

  10. Europe Sustainable Development Report 2021: transforming the European Union to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
    Europe Sustainable Development Report 2021: transforming the European Union to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

    Lafortune, Guillaume / María Cortés Puch / Aline Mosnier / Grayson Fuller / María Diaz / Angelo Riccaboni / Adolf Kloke-Lesch / Theodoros Zachariadis / Eugenio Carli / Antoine Oger (2021)