The Current Column

Every Monday, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) comments on the latest issues and trends of international development policy by its Current Column. The column is intended for politically interested readers who want to get a brief overview on the state of German and international development policy.

Current and past issues can be downloaded for free from the IDOS website.

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  1. Expanded mission but limited capacity?
    Expanded mission but limited capacity?

    Walle, Yabibal / Clara Brandi (2023)
    The Current Column, 24 April 2023

    “The World Bank’s recently published Evolution Roadmap is a positive step in the right direction. But while the Bank’s plans for an expanded mission, putting a spotlight on resilience and sustainability, are welcome, they must be met with a corresponding substantial increase in its financing capacity.”

  2. The global race to subsidise green technologies
    The global race to subsidise green technologies

    Altenburg, Tilman / Axel Berger/ Clara Brandi (2023)
    The Current Column, 17 April 2023

    If competition between major industrialised nations over subsidies is focused on key green technologies, then this will accelerate the urgently needed development of clean technologies.

  3. Why focusing on individual action alone is not enough
    Why focusing on individual action alone is not enough

    Schoderer , Mirja / Jean-Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2023)
    The Current Column, 22 March 2023

    Water security requires collective action and concerted political effort that tackle the root causes of water degradation and push to expand access to safe water and sanitation.

  4. The UN Water conference – time to govern water as a global commons!
    The UN Water conference – time to govern water as a global commons!

    Dombrowsky, Ines / Annabelle Houdret / Olcay Ünver (2023)
    The Current Column, 21 March 2023

    The March 2023 UN Water Conference should lay the ground for improved governance of water as a global commons, ideally through a UN mandated multi-stakeholder platform on water.

  5. Green hydrogen – support for the just transition?
    Green hydrogen – support for the just transition?

    Altenburg, Tilman / Andreas Stamm / Rita Strohmaier (2023)
    The Current Column, 13 March 2023

    The energy transition will only be widely accepted if it is a socially responsible, i.e. a just, transition. This is possible, but it requires adapting the German approach to hydrogen policy.

  6. Approaches for the implementation of a feminist development policy
    Approaches for the implementation of a feminist development policy

    Roll, Michael (2023)
    The Current Column, 06 March 2023

    As a substantial part of German development policy, how must bilateral development cooperation (DC) change to do justice to the transformative claim of FDP?

  7. The European Union’s Global Gateway should reinforce but not replace its development policy
    The European Union’s Global Gateway should reinforce but not replace its development policy

    Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Mark Furness (2023)
    The Current Column, 28 February 2023

    The Global Gateway is a welcome, timely and politically salient initiative. Yet, the EU still needs to clarify its contribution to development policy.

  8. Integrated approaches for a circular economy in German development cooperation
    Integrated approaches for a circular economy in German development cooperation

    Never, Babette (2023)
    The Current Column, 13 February 2023

    In the context of green industrial policy, the circular economy offers tremendous overlooked potential for creating green jobs and conserving resources in Africa and beyond.

  9. A rights-based approach for implementing the European Green Deal
    A rights-based approach for implementing the European Green Deal

    Nystø Keskitalo Anja Márjá / Jacqueline Götze (2023)
    The Current Column, 06 February 2023

    The green transition entails questions of justice – in the European Arctic and beyond. Why a rights-based approach is needed to implement sustainable policies.

  10. Global structural policy 2.0 – more self-critical, credible and values-based?
    Global structural policy 2.0 – more self-critical, credible and values-based?

    Erforth, Benedikt / Lena Gutheil (2023)
    The Current Column, 30 January 2023

    German cooperation with African partners wants to distinguish itself by being based on common interests and values. Germany wants to increase its attractiveness as a partner bilaterally and as part of the EU through an even stronger commitment to democracy, the rule of law and human rights.