
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publishes four independent publication series. IDOS researchers publish their current research results in Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs and Studies. Visiting scholars and cooperation partners also have the opportunity to publish their research results in one of the IDOS series. Publications from the series Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper and Two-Pager / Zweiseiter, which will be discontinued in 2022, will continue to be available online. The fourth publication series is for opinion pieces: The Current Column regularly comments on the latest developments and issues in international development policy.

IDOS researchers also regularly publish their research results in peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed German and international journals and publication series of other research institutes and institutions as well as with renowned book publishers. In addition, they use blogs and online platforms of partner institutions to communicate the Institute's research and advisory activities to an interested public.

Cover: The Current Column
The Current Column
Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Found 9409 results in 9 milliseconds. Displaying results 1461 to 1470 of 9409.

  1. How can development cooperation be more sensitive to power relations?
    How can development cooperation be more sensitive to power relations?

    Kornprobst, Tim / Anna Schwachula (2020)
    The Current Column, 16 November 2020

    While ownership has been a priority of development cooperation since the 2005 Paris agenda if not before, in practice the goals of development projects are often defined by experts from the global North, even though these goals are geared to strategies of the partner governments.

  2. Wie afrikanische Regionen Migration regeln: Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordost-Afrika
    Wie afrikanische Regionen Migration regeln: Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordost-Afrika

    Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2020)

    In der EU gilt Freizügigkeit als wichtige Errungenschaft. Auch Großregionen in Afrika wollen intraregionale Migration durch den Abbau von Hindernissen fördern. Diesen Bestrebungen stehen aber Sicherheitsinteressen gegenüber – nicht zuletzt die der EU.

  3. Elite capture, civil society and democratic backsliding in Bangladesh, Thailand and the Philippines
    Elite capture, civil society and democratic backsliding in Bangladesh, Thailand and the Philippines

    Lorch, Jasmin (2021)

  4. African-European relations in 2019
    African-European relations in 2019

    Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2020)

  5. Gaps and opportunities for synergies in international environmental law on climate and biodiversity to promote the Sustainable Development Goals
    Gaps and opportunities for synergies in international environmental law on climate and biodiversity to promote the Sustainable Development Goals

    Rantala, Salla / Gabriela Iacobuta / Stefania Minestrini / Julika Tribukait (2020)

  6. Wer profitiert von der Digitalisierung?
    Wer profitiert von der Digitalisierung?

    Schwab, Jakob (2020)

  7. Ansätze der Kleinbauernförderung im Globalen Süden: Kontroversen, Erfahrungen, Synthesen
    Ansätze der Kleinbauernförderung im Globalen Süden: Kontroversen, Erfahrungen, Synthesen

    Rauch, Theo / Michael Brüntrup (2020)

    Die Förderung von Kleinbauern ist unabdingbar für die Erreichung vieler sozialer und ökologischer SDGs im globalen Süden. Über das WIE besteht eine jahrzehntelange Debatte. Der Text skiziert Positionen, reflektiert diese vor dem Hintergrund kleinbäuerlicher Realitäten, und versucht eine Synthese.

  8. Cómo mejorar la coordinación en la gobernanza del agua en el sur de España: cooperación, incentivos y persuasión
    Cómo mejorar la coordinación en la gobernanza del agua en el sur de España: cooperación, incentivos y persuasión

    Schütze, Nora / Andreas Thiel / Pilar Paneque / Jesús Vargas / Rodrigo Vidaurre (2020)

    En el Guadalquivir (España) se debe que reducir el consumo de agua agrícola a fin de cumplir los requisitos cuantitativos de la Directiva Marco del Agua de la Unión Europea. Es preciso reforzar el intercambio intersectorial, la transparencia y la vigilancia y reducir las concesiones de agua para hacer frente a este desafío.

  9. Academic conferences need a thorough overhaul!
    Academic conferences need a thorough overhaul!

    Reiber, Tatjana / Anna Schwachula (2020)
    The Current Column, 09 November 2020

    The actual objective of academic get-togethers is to exchange knowledge, generate new ideas and forge networks. When conferences fail to serve these purposes, they become a waste of time.

  10. The role of preferences for pro-environmental behaviour among urban middle class households in Peru
    The role of preferences for pro-environmental behaviour among urban middle class households in Peru

    Fuhrmann-Riebel, Hanna / Ben D'Exelle / Arjan Verschoor (2021)