
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publishes four independent publication series. IDOS researchers publish their current research results in Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs and Studies. Visiting scholars and cooperation partners also have the opportunity to publish their research results in one of the IDOS series. Publications from the series Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper and Two-Pager / Zweiseiter, which will be discontinued in 2022, will continue to be available online. The fourth publication series is for opinion pieces: The Current Column regularly comments on the latest developments and issues in international development policy.

IDOS researchers also regularly publish their research results in peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed German and international journals and publication series of other research institutes and institutions as well as with renowned book publishers. In addition, they use blogs and online platforms of partner institutions to communicate the Institute's research and advisory activities to an interested public.

Cover: The Current Column
The Current Column
Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Found 9409 results in 8 milliseconds. Displaying results 1621 to 1630 of 9409.

  1. Information and communication technology in the lives of forcibly displaced persons in Kenya
    Information and communication technology in the lives of forcibly displaced persons in Kenya

    Eppler, Mirko / Stella Gaetani / Francy Köllner / Jana Kuhnt / Charles Martin-Shields / Nyat Mebrahtu / Antonia Peters / Carlotta Preiß (2020)
    Discussion Paper, 15/2020

    There is a great deal of potential for digital tools to help refugees, but there are still major economic and infrastructure hurdles before all refugees are online. Evidence from three sites in Kenya provide evidence that can guide future digitalization efforts for working with refugees.

  2. What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
    What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation

    Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Karina Mross (2020)
    Discussion Paper, 14/2020

    This paper reflects on the strategic importance of EU democracy support in sub-Saharan Africa and makes 10 proposals for reform to be better able to address new challenges in a changing global context.

  3. What does the EU recovery plan mean for the European Green Deal?
    What does the EU recovery plan mean for the European Green Deal?

    Sturm, Janina (2020)
    The Current Column, 17 June 2020

    The “Next Generation EU” recovery plan aims to mobilise 750 billion euros to help the EU emerge from the recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Negotiation on the project are starting this Friday at the meeting of the European Council.

  4. Why the Corona crisis is particularly difficult for right-wing populist governments
    Why the Corona crisis is particularly difficult for right-wing populist governments

    Högl, Maximilian / Christine Hackenesch / Daniel Stockemer (2020)
    The Current Column, 15 June 2020

    Whether it is US president Donald Trump, who initially talked down the risks of the Sars-CoV-2 virus for the US or Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro, who dismissed the virus as a media trick and temporarily prevented the publication of infection numbers – right-wing populist governments are currently not distinguishing themselves through effective crisis management.

  5. International economic cooperation: the G7 as a bridge-builder
    International economic cooperation: the G7 as a bridge-builder

    Berger, Axel (2020)

  6. Land leasing in a post-land reform context: insights from Zimbabwe
    Land leasing in a post-land reform context: insights from Zimbabwe

    Mudimu, George T. / Ting Zuo / Ashfaq Ahmad Shah / Nkumbu Nalwimba / Abdou Matsalabi Ado (2020)

  7. When your lab is the world but the world is closed down
    When your lab is the world but the world is closed down

    Ruppel, Samantha (2020)

  8. The struggle for minds and influence: the Chinese communist party’s global outreach
    The struggle for minds and influence: the Chinese communist party’s global outreach

    Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Bader (2020)

  9. What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
    What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation

    Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Karina Mross (2020)

  10. Accounting for intergenerational social immobility in low- and middle-income countries
    Accounting for intergenerational social immobility in low- and middle-income countries

    Könings, Fabian / Jakob Schwab (2020)