The Current Column

Every Monday, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) comments on the latest issues and trends of international development policy by its Current Column. The column is intended for politically interested readers who want to get a brief overview on the state of German and international development policy.

Current and past issues can be downloaded for free from the IDOS website.

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  1. What the Munich Security Conference tells us about the international order in early 2019
    What the Munich Security Conference tells us about the international order in early 2019

    Grävingholt, Jörn (2019)
    The Current Column, 18 February 2019

    “The old is dying and the new cannot be born”: Ever since last weekend’s Munich Security Conference (MSC), this quote from Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci has been on everyone's lips. It was chosen to describe the crisis in which the international order finds itself in early 2019.

  2. Why developing countries are facing a renewed debt crisis
    Why developing countries are facing a renewed debt crisis

    Berensmann, Kathrin (2019)
    The Current Column, 11 February 2019

    The current debt crisis in low-income countries differs from previous crises. Kathrin Berensmann explains which measures can be taken.

  3. Where are the African voices?
    Where are the African voices?

    Adaawen, Stephen / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
    The Current Column, 04 February 2019

    The African perspective remains underrepresented in science, culture or politics. What about the dialogue at eye level?

  4. The neglected role of cities in the Global Compact on Refugees
    The neglected role of cities in the Global Compact on Refugees

    Dick, Eva / Jana Kuhnt (2019)
    The Current Column, 22 January 2019

    If a sustainable policy on refugees is to be implemented, the potential of cities and municipalities has to be given greater acknowledgement and support.

  5. Ownership for sustainable development cooperation
    Ownership for sustainable development cooperation

    Keijzer, Niels / Stephan Klingebiel (2019)
    The Current Column, 21 January 2019

    Development cooperation is now increasingly taking place under the auspices of donor interests - with far-reaching consequences.

  6. The impact of Brexit for developing countries
    The impact of Brexit for developing countries

    Olekseyuk, Zoryana / Clara Brandi (2019)
    The Current Column, 15 January 2019

    The economic and political consequences of the different Brexit scenarios have been the subject of much discussion as of late. Yet we also need to pay closer attention to the global effects of the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU.

  7. What is at stake in international policy-making in 2019
    What is at stake in international policy-making in 2019

    Scholz, Imme (2019)
    The Current Column, 14 January 2019

    2019 will not be an easy year for international cooperation, the improvement of human welfare and sustainable development. Disconcerting trends within our own society, in the European Union (EU) and in international relations make it more difficult to take action, and yet, without a global perspective, there is no conceivable way of improving national welfare in today’s world.

  8. Making sense of COP24
    Making sense of COP24

    Bauer, Steffen / Gabriela Iacobuta (2018)
    The Current Column, 17 December 2018

    It is done! The COP24 finally delivered the rulebook that will guide the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

  9. What still needs to be said about the migration pact
    What still needs to be said about the migration pact

    Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
    The Current Column, 10 December 2018

    The UN migration pact has been at the heart of an intense political debate in Germany in recent weeks. What could the pact achieve in practice?

  10. The G20 summit and the future of the World Trade Organization
    The G20 summit and the future of the World Trade Organization

    Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi (2018)
    The Current Column, 03 December 2018

    As important as a common commitment is at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, it remains unclear how it will continue.