
Das German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) gibt vier eigenständige Publikationsreihen heraus. In Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs und Studies veröffentlichen die Wissenschaftler*innen des IDOS ihre aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse. Auch Gastwissenschaftler*innen und Kooperationspartner haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungsergebnisse in einer der IDOS-Reihen zu publizieren. Publikationen der 2022 eingestellten Reihen Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper sowie Two-Pager / Zweiseiter sind weiterhin online verfügbar. Die vierte Publikationsreihe ist für Meinungsbeiträge vorgesehen: Regelmäßig kommentiert die Aktuelle Kolumne die neuesten Entwicklungen und Themen der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik.

Wissenschaftler*innen des IDOS veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse zudem regelmäßig in referierten und nicht referierten deutschen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Publikationsreihen anderer Forschungseinrichtungen und Institutionen sowie bei renommierten Buchverlagen. Zusätzlich nutzen sie Blogs und Online-Plattformen der Partnerinstitutionen, um die Forschungs- und Beratungstätigkeit des Instituts einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit zu vermitteln.

Cover: Die aktuelle Kolumne
Die aktuelle Kolumne
Cover: Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Es wurden 528 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 331 bis 340 von 528.

  1. Out of Africa: The 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance leads by example
    Out of Africa: The 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance leads by example

    Bauer, Steffen / Fariborz Zelli (2016)
    Die aktuelle Kolumne, 12.12.2016

    The 2016 Conference on Earth System Governance (ESG) was a premiere. It was the first to convene in Africa. It was about time!

  2. Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of Vietnam
    Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of Vietnam

    Berger, Axel / Dominique Bruhn / Andrea Bender / Julia Friesen / Katharina Kick / Felix Kullmann / Robert Roßner / Svenja Weyrauch (2016)

    How and to what extent can deep preferential trade agreements support upgrading of companies from developing countries within global value chains? The Transpacific Partnership and the EU-Vietnam agreement provide some new opportunities for Vietnam, but potentials will not materialize automatically.

  3. Crisis or progress? The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) after Nairobi
    Crisis or progress? The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) after Nairobi

    Klingebiel, Stephan / Xiaoyun Li (2016)
    Die aktuelle Kolumne, 06.12.2016

    From 28 November to 1 December, several thousand people gathered in Nairobi for the second High-Level Meeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC). The first meeting was held in Mexico City 18 months ago. The question is: was the second meeting a success?

  4. Public sector performance and development cooperation in Rwanda: results based approaches
    Public sector performance and development cooperation in Rwanda: results based approaches

    Klingebiel, Stephan / Victoria Gonsior / Franziska Jakobs / Miriam Nikitka (2016)

  5. Green finance: actors, challenges and policy recommendations
    Green finance: actors, challenges and policy recommendations

    Berensmann, Kathrin / Nannette Lindenberg (2016)

    Broad international consensus exists about the need to scale up financing for green investments. However, private green finance is still scarce due to a range of microeconomic challenges. For enhancing private green investment, a coordinated approach of all actors of the financial system is needed.

  6. Private finance for climate-change adaptation: challenges and opportunities for Kenya
    Private finance for climate-change adaptation: challenges and opportunities for Kenya

    Pauw, Pieter / Adis Dzebo (2016)

    Private investments are important for countries to adapt to climate change. Yet how realistic is it to rely on the mobilisation of private investments in adaptation, in particular for less developed countries? This Policy Brief aims to answer this question in relation to Kenya

  7. The mobilisation of sub-national revenues is a decisive factor in the realisation of the 2030 Agenda
    The mobilisation of sub-national revenues is a decisive factor in the realisation of the 2030 Agenda

    von Haldenwang, Christian / Armin von Schiller (2016)

    Sub-national units will play an increasing role in the mobilisation of domestic resources for the 2030 agenda. They are also at the forefront in the implementation of the global reform agenda. Consequently, they also contribute to overcoming problems of fragile statehood.

  8. Ensuring SDG-sensitive development cooperation
    Ensuring SDG-sensitive development cooperation

    Rudolph, Alexandra (2016)

    Since September 2015 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is intended as the basis for the actions of national and international actors. This article uses five donor-strategic questions to analyse what SDG-sensitive international development cooperation would mean.

  9. European Union development policy: collective action in times of global transformation and domestic crisis
    European Union development policy: collective action in times of global transformation and domestic crisis

    Bodenstein, Thilo / Jörg Faust / Mark Furness (2017)

  10. An executive authority for the UN Development System: why this is necessary and how it could work
    An executive authority for the UN Development System: why this is necessary and how it could work

    Baumann, Max-Otto (2016)

    With the 2030 Agenda on one hand, and unchecked fragmentation on the other, the need for an executive authority, discussed for decades, has become acute. The paper argues that it can be build from exisiting structures, mechanisms, and resources by separating the coordination function from UNDP.